
Saturday 31 March 2012

Why You Should Consider a Vegetarian Menu ?

There are many reasons why individuals choose to become vegetarian. For this reason, there are just as many different degrees of vegetarianism. Some go the vegetarian route because of religious beliefs that promote peace between animals and humans. Others choose not to eat animals or animal byproducts because of ethical concerns for the way food animals are raised and treated. Some are concerned with the effects of the way food animals are raised and treated on the sustainability of the environment. Still others become vegetarian for the health benefits. Of these individuals, some believe humans were originally intended to be herbivores rather than omnivores. Others worry about the health dangers related to the ways food animals are raised. This article explores the health benefits of vegetarianism.

One of the overall healthiest effects of a vegetarian diet is that it usually helps individuals to lose fat and reduce weight. Most meats are high fat, so when meat is taken out of the diet, fat intake is naturally reduced. This is beneficial both for weight management and for health. Not only can cutting fat help with appearance, but many diseases occur more frequently in those who eat fatty diets.

Another way that vegetarianism makes for healthier eating is the increase in nutrients. Those who have diets that are heavy on meat generally get a lot of protein and fat but little else. Plant foods are very nutritious. Plant foods contain fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that are usually absent in meat.

Other reasons to avoid meat deal more with how the meat is handled and processed rather than whether or not our bodies were designed to eat meat. As an example, although food poisoning can spread through plant products as well, it is much more likely for this to occur in meats, for a number of reasons. First of all, plant foods have a much longer shelf life than meat. A large portion of food borne illnesses are caused by food that has spoiled. It takes much longer for this to happen in plant foods, so they are easier to store and keep fresh without worrying about contamination.

Along with the contamination issue, illnesses can be spread between animals and humans. Any diseases spread by plant foods usually come from external pesticides or other means, but animals can spread their diseases directly to us. When we consume animal foods, there is also a greater risk of ingesting parasites and pathogens than when we eat plants.

One of the larger concerns with eating meats today is the chemicals and medications added to farm raised food animals. These animals are pumped full of antibiotics and other drugs that often cause reactions in humans. When we eat animals, we are ingesting every medication and chemical with which they have been treated. In addition, since animals are high on the food chain, their meat contains all of the agricultural chemicals with which their foods have been treated as well. When we eat plant based foods, we can rinse them ourselves.

People choose vegetarianism for different reasons, many of which do not relate to health concerns. However, introducing a vegetarian diet will certainly produce health benefits for anyone.

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