
Saturday 31 March 2012

How To Start Your Own Web Hosting Company

Everyone knows somebody who has a website (or has his own) these days and they all need to be hosted. That's the reason that so many people think providing web hosting is a sound business idea. It may be, but you will need to know what you're doing before jumping in. After all, there are a lot of people doing exactly the same thing. Here is how you can start your own web hosting company. The only requirement is that you have your own domain name and website.

Before you even think about web hosting options, think about your new web hosting company as a business. Like any new business you will need a business plan. Even if you intend to fund the business yourself a business plan will help you develop your business in the right way and will help to keep you on track. It will help you to think about all the areas that are important for your web hosting business and will provide a road map for the development of your web hosting company.
Research Your Target Market :
You will need to start with some market research. As part of your market research find out what products and services other web hosting companies are offering and how they are marketing themselves. Discover what market segment you should target and what your costs are likely to be. This will give you some ideas for how you can make your company different. Sign up for web hosting forums and seeing what people are most concerned about and what other web hosts are discussing. This will give you advance warning of future opportunities and may help you to decide where to position your web hosting business.

In thinking about starting your own web hosting company, there is one major decision that you have to make. Are you going to do it yourself or become a web hosting reseller? There are advantages and disadvantages to each option.
Do It Yourself Web Hosting :
The DIY approach has the highest initial outlay, but all the profit is your own. If you are going to run all aspects of the hosting company yourself you will need a server on which to host others' websites. Your options for getting a server are to buy one or to lease one. Buying a server may seem like a good idea, especially since computers are no longer that expensive, but a good, reliable server is not cheap and don't forget you will need the latest technology and software for Windows or Linux hosting.

You will need to be realistic about how many websites you can actually host on your server. Overestimate this and you could be heading for a tech support nightmare - which you may have to handle all by yourself. You will also need to think about bandwidth, which means you need to get a company to provide that to you so that you can resell it to your customers.

An alternative to buying your own server is to lease a server (from a company such as Dell or Gateway) or dedicated server (from a company such as or and then resell the bandwidth to your customers. This saves you the up front cost of buying your own server, but it means you are not in control if there is a crash. When choosing a company to provide a server, look for one that has good customer support and as little downtime as possible. Servers do crash sometimes and you will need to be back up quickly so you don't lose customers.

Other costs that you will have to take into account are the costs of getting a control panel for managing the websites and the cost of technical support. All of these can add up if you are running a one person operation - and you will be working all day and all night, too, because most people expect 24 hour support from their web hosting company. So this is an important decision to make.

If you don't think you can be available all day every day you may need to consider taking on an employee or employees. This will make it easier for you to manage your own time but will make the cost of doing business add up. The employee will have to be paid even if you have had a slow month. However, it may be worth it so you don't have to do all the technical support yourself. Unless you employ a couple of people, you will still be working long days.

There are a couple more options for providing technical support. One is to include help desk software to manage support tickets or to set up a forum where your customers can help each other. A forum requires a low outlay and may run itself after awhile. You could also offer live chat to support your customers, though that may take time. Finally, you could outsource your technical support to a company which specializes in this area. It will add to your monthly costs, but could save you a fortune if your customers are kept happy.
Reseller Web Hosting
Another option for starting your own web hosting company is to act as a reseller for another host. This has several advantages, most of them to do with the time you save. Acting as a reseller requires a relatively low investment, with only the monthly reseller fee to pay. If you already have a couple of sites yourself, switching them to your reseller package could be cost effective. You do not have to worry about technical support, server size or bandwidth. All you have to do is promote and sell the web hosting package. Of course, this has its own challenges.

Some reseller accounts are anonymous, which means that you can brand your web hosting business as you like. Others require you to use the branding of the main host. With some reseller accounts everything is taken care of, which means that billing and any follow up are all the responsibility of the main web host. However, other resellers may require you to do your own billing so if you choose one of these you will need to think about how to handle that. This is the backend of your web hosting company and it is just as important as the front end.
Billing For Your Hosting Company :
Most web hosting companies offer a choice of monthly or annual billing, and may offer a discount or incentive for the annual package. You need to think about options for taking money. Your choices are an online payments processor such as Paypal or setting up a merchant account so you can accept credit card payments directly. You may also accept money through the mail but this could be unnecessarily complicated, so it may be best to avoid this. An online payments processor is flexible and allows you to accept a variety of payment forms. In addition, it can handle automatic billing. If you are accepting payments online you will also need an SSL certificate so that your customers' sensitive information can be encrypted during online transactions.

Once you have been paid you will need to set up the client's account through a Web Host Manager. There are several pieces of software that automate the process of collecting money and setting up the account, which means less work for you and instant gratification for your customers. Remember to keep a copy of your records offline for additional security. Include the customer's name, plan, price and billing date, as well as the domain name, email address, and subscription identification number.
Marketing Your Web Hosting Company :
To make your web hosting company successful you need to stand out from the thousands of other web hosting companies out there. This isn't easy. Compete on price and you could find that you are not making any money which is why many web hosting companies close as quickly as they open. Instead of playing this game, be smart about how you promote your business.

The best way to have a successful web hosting business is to get good word of mouth from your customers. So to start with you need to get some customers. You can offer free or discounted trial packages to get people through the virtual door. Once they're signed up treat them like members of your family (or even better) so that they get a wonderful service that they will brag about.

At the same time, pay some attention to advertising and marketing so you can attract more customers. Options to consider include Google Adwords, which works well for some people, submitting your site to search engines, after optimizing your home page for your target keywords and using article marketing. You can also try to get some buzz going by paying for blog posts. All of this will be a cost to be taken into account.

By now you will have realized that starting a web hosting company takes a lot of research and can be hard work. And the money is far from easy. If you do it all yourself, your startup costs include hardware and software, and you may have to add technical support to that. Even if you decide to go the reseller route, you will have to devote time and money to marketing your offering. But if you get the marketing right, the customers will come and you should succeed in having a thriving web hosting company

How To Host A Gaming Server

Online gaming is a massive industry. The Entertainment Software Association says that 69 per cent of Americans play computer and video games, and 44 per cent of those play games online. Other researchers suggests that there are more than 13 million people playing MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games) worldwide. At close to $4 billion, online gaming is a huge market. That's why so many people like the idea of hosting a gaming server. After all if you already love gaming and spend a lot of time online, what could be better than going one step further and making some money while you're at it?

There are many other reasons why people may choose to host a gaming server. In many cases, it boils down to wanting to have more control of the online gaming environment than they can get from someone else's servers. Your own server means creating your own rules and a gaming atmosphere that you like, as well as the freedom to make modifications to the game that is running or update what you offer whenever you like.
Types Of Gaming Servers :
When it comes to online gaming, there are two main types of server: centralized servers and distributed servers. Centralized servers tend to be used for MMOGs such as World of Warcraft and are often run by the companies that provide the software. If you are thinking of hosting a gaming server with other types of games, then you will need a distributed server. As the name suggests a distributed server is one of a number of servers that takes the game from a master server. The key to the success of a distributed server is ping - the length of time it takes for a packet of data to be transmitted from a game client to your server and back again. With ping, the lower the better, as the gaming experience will be smoother.

So what do you need to host a game server? The server is the key to a good gaming experience for both you and your users. They want a smooth and seamless game - and so do you, otherwise you will spend more time on tech support than on gaming. When choosing a gaming server, it's important to think about the hardware you will need. This will vary depending on the game you are running. Some games may need a high powered CPU while other games will be less memory intensive. So you need to find the best combination of CPU speed and memory for your games.

You can use your own PC as a listen server, but every time you shut it down the game will end and you won't be able to host many gamers. And for the best experience for all, you shouldn't play the game on your server, but on another PC. Instead consider a dedicated server. A major decision is whether you are going to rent or own a server. Owning your own server means that you are in full control, but you will have to be responsible for all maintenance and support, which can take up the time you would rather spend gaming. Having support on tap and backups will be essential if you are not to lose your customers.
Thinking About Bandwidth :
You also need to think about the bandwidth you will need for running the games. A domestic cable or ADSL line may not provide the bandwidth and reliability you need as a gaming server provider and on a domestic internet connection there will be limits to the number of gamers that can play at any one time. Think about getting an even higher speed line for the best gaming experience for all.

An easier option is to pay a monthly fee to set up a gaming server on another company's equipment and use their bandwidth. This has the advantage of having almost unlimited bandwidth plus you don't have to worry about maintenance. This option will give you access to Windows or Linux/Free BSD servers, with a number of popular first person shooter and other games. You will have a gaming control panel to control games, mods and other aspects of the gaming environment.

However, there will be limits to the number and types of games, mods and maps you can offer as these will be regulated by the gaming server provider. Popular games include Call of Duty, Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, Doom 3, Half-Life, Natural Selection, Medal of Honor, Halo and Unreal Tournament, though there are many others. You will need to shop around for a provider as they all offer different games and mods.
The Importance Of Admin :
If you are hosting a gaming server, good admin is what will keep gamers loyal. One part of being a good admin is being an active part of the gaming community. That means knowing and playing the game and taking part in discussions about what would improve the experience for gamers. Then all you have to do is put those suggestions into action.

Gaming is about fun, so a good admin has to minimize personal attacks, team killing, aimbots, software exploits and other forms of cheating as this will ruin the experience for most people. These practices need to be stamped on hard so that players will keep coming back. If you are running your own server then anti cheat software is a must. Most dedicated server companies provide anti cheat software (such as BanHammer, DMW Anticheat, GameGaurd, HackCam, Punkbuster or Valve Anti Cheat) as standard and will install more if requested by you. Lists of banned players (such as those provided by Punksbusted) are another anti cheat tool - these can be streamed between servers very quickly.

Game server providers will usually have their own rules, most of which will be enforced by the anti cheating software. If you are running the server, you may also have rules. It is important for the rules to be clear and for you and other admins to deal with breaches of the rules as soon as possible.

Many of those who host game servers say it is difficult to make money. Either you pay for equipment or you pay rental and this can be costly if you are funding it on your own. Don't expect to break even for a few months and you can anticipate dozens of support tickets each day from gamers. But if you love gaming and would be online anyway, there's nothing to stop you from giving it a try

iphone zoom lens

You know that the built-in digital camera is pretty limited due to its fixed lens. Now you can add a zoom lens which will let you get up close and personal with your photographic subject.

iphone zoom lens
This add-on 6x optical zoom lens by Conice might look a little weird protruding from the back of your iPhone, but it will give you much greater flexibility for your photos. I’ve seen similar add-on lenses for cell phones before, and while they’re not as good as a built-in zoom lens, they’re better than nothing if you’ve got a steady hand. Since the iPhone doesn’t have any sort of image stabilization or a tripod mount, you might have some trouble keeping zoom photos in focus.

iphone zoom lens
The lens attaches to a protective plastic case that snaps snugly around your iPhone, so it can easily be removed when you’re not using it. Keep in mind that the lens and case weigh in at 4.69 ounces, which nearly doubles the 4.8 ounce weight of a stock iPhone.

SonyEricsson XPERIA X1

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1- My world. My way. Life is mobile. Let everything that's important to you be with you all the time. The people in your life, the Internet, your music, pictures & video, so make the new Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 yours now. Style the panel display to suit your needs & Switch between as you like - enjoy seamless access to the info & apps of your choice. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 have Windows Mobile® inside. Arc slider design, 3-inch Wide VGA display & premium metal body: with its sophisticated distinctive design, Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 redefines premium.
Dimension     110.5 x 52.6 x 17 mm
Weight     145 g
Battery     Talk time Up to 10 h, Stand-by Up to 833 h
Memory     Up to 400 MB internal (may vary due to pre-configs), 512 MB ROM + 256 MB RAM + microSD Card
Connectivity     Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, USB, GPRS Class 10 (48 kbps), EDGE, 3G (HSDPA 7.2 Mbps), WLAN (Wi-Fi 802.11b/g)
Display Size     800 x 480 pixels, 3.0 inches, Full QWERTY keyboard, Optical trackpad
Display Colour     TFT touchscreen, 65K colors
Frequency / Band     GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100)
Browser     WAP 2.0, HTML (I.E + Opera Browser), RSS feeds
Entertainment     FM radio with RDS, MP3/AAC/MPEG4 player, 3.5 mm audio jack, Games (Built-in + downloadable), Built-in GPS receiver + A-GPS, Picture editor/blogging, Pocket Office, Built-in handsfree
Camera     3.15 MP, 2048x1536 pixels, autofocus, video(VGA@30fps), flash; 2ndary videocall camera
Ring Tones     Polyphonic, MP3
Messaging     SMS, MMS, Email, Push email, IM


Nokia 6760 slide Phone Stay in touch. With your new Nokia 6760 slide, Stay connected with your world through your fingertips. Email & message your friends, arrange to meet, & explore new places & events together along with Nokia 6760 slide. Getting mobile email is easy just type in your existing email account details on your Nokia 6760 slide & it's ready to use. Hit the dedicated messaging key and full keyboard to receive, read and respond to instant messages.
    Dimension     97.5 x 57.9 x 15.5 mm, 78.5 cc
    Connectivity     Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, USB, GPRS Class 32, HSCSD, EDGE Class 32, 3G (HSDPA 3.6 Mbps)
    Weight     123.9 g - (OS : Symbian OS, S60 rel. 3.2)
    Battery     Talk time Up to 5 h, Stand-by Up to 500 h, Music play Up to 17 h
    Memory     128 MB Built-in + 2GB microSD Card included (supports up to 16GB)
    Display Size     320 x 240 pixels, 2.4 inches (Accelerometer sensor)
    Display Colour     TFT, 16M colors
    Band     GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (HSDPA 900 / 2100)
    Entertainment     Stereo FM radio with RDS, MPEG4/H.264/H.263/RV10/WMV9 player, MP3/WAV/AAC/WMA9 player, Games (built-in + downloadable) - GPS + A-GPS support, Nokia Maps, Full QWERTY keyboard, Speakerphone,
    Camera     3.15 MP, 2048x1536 pixels, enhanced fixed focus, Video (QVGA 15fps), 2ndary VideoCall Camera, Quickoffice, PDF Reader, Photo editor
    Tones     Downloadable Polyphonic, MP3
    Messaging     SMS, MMS, Email, IM  



Motorola Mobile Phones Pakistan: Motorola Moto Q: The First no-Compromises QWERTY:::: Today’s users are looking for mobility to give them the best combination of style, voice, messaging and entertainment and the Motorola Q delivers. A stylish and excellent mobile The world’s thinnest QWERTY, the Motorola Q changes the playing field for mobile devices by delivering a superior uncompromising mobile experience in one amazing ultra-thin package.
    Dimension     116 x 64 x 11.5 mm, 85 cc
    Connectivity     Bluetooth v1.2, Infrared , USB, GPRS Class 10 (48 kbps), EDGE Class 10 (236.8 kbps), WiFi 802.11b/g through miniSDIO (optional)
    Weight     115 g
    Battery     Talk time Up to 5 h, Stand-by Up to 240 h
    Memory     40 MB internal memory + miniSD
    Display Size     320 x 240 pixels, 36 x 48 mm (Full QWERTY keyboard)
    Display Colour     TFT, 65k colors
    Band     GSM 850 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
    Entertainment     MP3/AAC music player, MPEG4 video recording & playback, Games - HTML (Pocket IE)
    Camera     1.3 MP, 1280x960 pixels, video, flash
    Tones     Polyphonic (Dual stereo speakers)
    Messaging     SMS, MMS, Email

Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins are packed full of nutrients that will help support and nourish your growing child and your body during pregnancy. Most women assume that they need a prescription to acquire prenatal vitamins. There are actually however many high quality prenatal vitamin supplements you can purchase over the counter. If you are not certain what your best choice is, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider who can point you in the right direction.

If you aren’t engaging in regular exercise prior to pregnancy, you’ll find it is more difficult though not impossible to start exercising during pregnancy when you are already feeling bulky and tired. Therefore one of the best things you can do to prepare for pregnancy is start exercising regularly. You don’t have to join the Boston Marathon, but even walking around the block a few times per week will help tone and condition your body and help you prepare for the journey ahead.

Women who regularly engage in some form of exercise before and during pregnancy are more likely to experience quicker and less problematic labors. That is a good enough reason in and of itself to start exercising as soon as you can.

One of the most important things you can do if you are thinking about becoming pregnant is start taking a prenatal vitamin with at least 400mg of folic acid. Folic acid is an essential nutrient that can help prevent birth defects in newborns. If you start taking a prenatal supplement before you even try to become pregnant, you will have the best chance of ensuring a happy and healthy journey once you become pregnant.

Prenatal vitamins are packed full of nutrients that will help support and nourish your growing child and your body during pregnancy. Most women assume that they need a prescription to acquire prenatal vitamins. There are actually however many high quality prenatal vitamin supplements you can purchase over the counter. If you are not certain what your best choice is, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider who can point you in the right direction.

If you aren’t engaging in regular exercise prior to pregnancy, you’ll find it is more difficult though not impossible to start exercising during pregnancy when you are already feeling bulky and tired. Therefore one of the best things you can do to prepare for pregnancy is start exercising regularly. You don’t have to join the Boston Marathon, but even walking around the block a few times per week will help tone and condition your body and help you prepare for the journey ahead.

Women who regularly engage in some form of exercise before and during pregnancy are more likely to experience quicker and less problematic labors. That is a good enough reason in and of itself to start exercising as soon as you can.

Why You Should Consider a Vegetarian Menu ?

There are many reasons why individuals choose to become vegetarian. For this reason, there are just as many different degrees of vegetarianism. Some go the vegetarian route because of religious beliefs that promote peace between animals and humans. Others choose not to eat animals or animal byproducts because of ethical concerns for the way food animals are raised and treated. Some are concerned with the effects of the way food animals are raised and treated on the sustainability of the environment. Still others become vegetarian for the health benefits. Of these individuals, some believe humans were originally intended to be herbivores rather than omnivores. Others worry about the health dangers related to the ways food animals are raised. This article explores the health benefits of vegetarianism.

One of the overall healthiest effects of a vegetarian diet is that it usually helps individuals to lose fat and reduce weight. Most meats are high fat, so when meat is taken out of the diet, fat intake is naturally reduced. This is beneficial both for weight management and for health. Not only can cutting fat help with appearance, but many diseases occur more frequently in those who eat fatty diets.

Another way that vegetarianism makes for healthier eating is the increase in nutrients. Those who have diets that are heavy on meat generally get a lot of protein and fat but little else. Plant foods are very nutritious. Plant foods contain fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that are usually absent in meat.

Other reasons to avoid meat deal more with how the meat is handled and processed rather than whether or not our bodies were designed to eat meat. As an example, although food poisoning can spread through plant products as well, it is much more likely for this to occur in meats, for a number of reasons. First of all, plant foods have a much longer shelf life than meat. A large portion of food borne illnesses are caused by food that has spoiled. It takes much longer for this to happen in plant foods, so they are easier to store and keep fresh without worrying about contamination.

Along with the contamination issue, illnesses can be spread between animals and humans. Any diseases spread by plant foods usually come from external pesticides or other means, but animals can spread their diseases directly to us. When we consume animal foods, there is also a greater risk of ingesting parasites and pathogens than when we eat plants.

One of the larger concerns with eating meats today is the chemicals and medications added to farm raised food animals. These animals are pumped full of antibiotics and other drugs that often cause reactions in humans. When we eat animals, we are ingesting every medication and chemical with which they have been treated. In addition, since animals are high on the food chain, their meat contains all of the agricultural chemicals with which their foods have been treated as well. When we eat plant based foods, we can rinse them ourselves.

People choose vegetarianism for different reasons, many of which do not relate to health concerns. However, introducing a vegetarian diet will certainly produce health benefits for anyone.

Tips For Beginning a Raw Food Diet

Today's American society has begun eating a very unhealthy diet. We promote this diet through advertisements, and our busy lifestyles force us to make unhealthy choices. Most of us have become so accustomed to the way that we do things that we don't even realize how unhealthy our way of life has become. In truth, the typical American diet is far from the ideal human diet. Many of us are so far removed from a truly healthful diet that we don't even know what it would consist of.

The dangers in the American food system are multifaceted. We have become accustomed to cooking our foods and eating a lot of meat. We also have turned a blind eye to the fact that most of what we eat isn't food at all and is processed and artificial. Most of the food that we eat is a manufactured product that does not occur naturally. Even those of us who have good intentions and have attempted to modify our diets have, for the most part, misunderstood and are not educated about what truly makes a healthy diet. One example is that we make the mistake of believing that eating vegetables and fruit is a healthy choice regardless of how it is prepared. Recently, experts have discovered that this is not the case.

The raw food diet refers to eating plant foods that are uncooked and not processed. Ideally, these foods would also be organic. Many believe this diet is the healthiest way to eat. Most of us today are unaware that the way we prepare our food makes just as much difference as what we are consuming. The obvious advantage of eating raw, organic foods, is that they are whole and do not contain artificial ingredients. What most people don't know is that cooking our plant foods removes essential nutrients and causes those that still remain to be more difficult to absorb into our bodies, because useful enzymes are removed when food is cooked past a certain temperature. Cooking our food also causes it to become acidic rather than alkaline, and some experts have discovered that this is not the natural way for us to feed our bodies. Many believe that plant foods lack necessary proteins, but raw foods contain more protein than cooked foods do.

For the above reasons, eating a raw food diet provides many health benefits for us. Because this diet is natural and healthy, our bodies exist the way they were naturally intended to. This results in better health for our bodies and minds. For example, many diseases can be prevented or reversed by eating a raw food diet. We also experience more energy and better mental clarity when our bodies are nourished appropriately.

Beginning a raw food diet may appear difficult, but if approached correctly, the transition is easier than you may think. First of all, organic food does not have to be expensive. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is fairly easy to accomplish. There are also many creative ways to prepare raw foods, such as dehydrating fruits or juicing fruits and vegetables. In order to ease yourself into the transition, start by introducing raw foods into your diet a little at a time. Maybe begin with a goal to have a certain number of meals each week be raw. Begin by eating the same meals you usually do but preparing your fruit and vegetables differently. Eventually, you will become familiar with more and more options and be able to formulate an entirely raw diet.

Green Tea

Major Benefits of Green Tea ..
Drinking green tea for a long time makes you healthy and fit said by ancient Chinese medicinal classic Benaco shiyi. These days many diet pills are available in the market which are often dangerous and packed with other unhealthy ingredients. Many of you also go on dieting plan for losing weight. When you go on a diet and starve, your body's survival instinct is triggered and you automatically go on energy saving mode.

This reduces your metabolism and helps you burn fewer calories. In fact your body begins to feed on itself. You may notice your weight going down on a scale, but in reality you are losing muscle, not fat. This causes the familiar problem like phenomenon, where you not only regain the lost weight, but rebound the even higher weight than you started with.

How does green tea works?

The leaves of its plants are heat producing herbs. It means when you consume, it can raise the body's metabolism. Clinically test showed that it helps you boost your energy level. Increase metabolism and thereby promote weight loss.

This is very effective in natural weight loss. It contains a number of things that are reported to be very healthful for you. The studies show that connection between the caffeine in green tea and the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which causes a boost in noradrenalin. Noradrenalin helps your body boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite.

Its extracts increase your metabolic rate by 4%. These effects are probably due to the high concentration of catechin polyphenols found in it. It works to help intensify levels of fat oxidants and the rate at which your body burns calories. It may also act as al glucose regulator. It helps to slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. This prevents high insulin spikes and the subsequent fat storage.

If you consume around 3-5 cups of green tea in a day then you will get noticeable effect in weight loss. If you do this, you may be able to burn an extra 70 calories per day which amounts to 7 pounds per year.

yamaha sports bikes 2012

New sports bikes 2012

Cannondale Synapse Carbon Road Bike

Product Description


The 2010 Kawasaki Z1000 is all-new

The 2010 Kawasaki Z1000 is all-new

It gets a 1043cc engine built from scratch and, for the first time, an aluminium chassis. It shares only a handful of components with the old Z1000.

The bike has new styling, a lower seat and a horizontally-mounted rear shock that frees up room under the engine for the new exhaust system.

MCN revealed the new 1043cc engine in September after discovering emissions documents detailing the increased capacity of the new engine but these are the first pictures of the finished bike.

The engine has a claimed 136bhp and 81ft lb of torque and has been tuned for low and mid-range grunt rather than outright power.

The Z1000 will be seen in the UK for the first time at the NEC Motorcycle Show in November and be in dealers soon after.

Full details of the new Z1000 will be in this week’s MCN out October 7

Below - From

Centre stage in terms of sheer impact, the new Z1000 is a clean sheet design taking the Japanese company’s already considerable knowledge and experience of the Supernaked class of Streetfighter style machines to new heights. With a menacing almost crouching appearance, the new machine exudes style and innovation from every carefully considered surface.Specs Just released

Some key features:
- High visual impact
- High riding impact
- Completely designed from a clean sheet
- All-new 1043cc engine delivers more power, more torque
- All-new chassis for superb handling

Available colors:
- Pearl Stardust White / Candy Burnt Orange
- Metallic Chestnut Brown
- Metallic Spark Black / Atomic Silver

Specification :
Engine Type: Four-stroke, liquid-cooled, DOHC, four valves per cylinder, inline-four
Displacement: 1043 cc
Bore & Stroke: 77.20 x 50.9 mm
Compression Ratio: 11.8:1
Fuel Injection: DFI with four 38mm Keihin throttle bodies, oval sub-throttles
Ignition: TCBI Digital Advance
Transmission:: 6-Speed
Final Drive: X-Ring Chain
Frame Type: Aluminum Backbone
Rake/Trail: 24.5 deg. / 4.1 in.
Front Suspension/Wheel Travel :41 mm inverted cartridge fork with stepless compression and rebound damping, adjustable spring preload / 4.7 in.
Rear Suspension/Wheel Travel: Horizontal monoshock with stepless rebound damping, adjustable spring preload / 5.4 in.
Front Tire Size: 120/70 ZR17
Rear Tire Size: 190/50 ZR17
Wheelbase: 56.7 in.
Front Brake Type: Dual 300mm petal-type rotors with radial-mount four-piston calipers
Rear Brake Type: Single 250mm petal-type rotor with single-piston caliper
Fuel Tank Capacity : 4.9 gal.
Seat Height: 32.1 in.
Overall Length: 82.5 in.
Overall Width: 31.7 in.
Overall Height: 42.1 in. What a shame that Kawasaki stopped importing the Z1000 into the U.S. in 2008. If you really want one, you could always bring one in from Canada.

NASA Tribute Chopper

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
NASA Tribute Chopper

Let me just state up front that I found the “stars” of American Chopper completely and utterly OBNOXIOUS… but they did happen to do a really spectacular tribute bike themed around Space Shuttle Discovery’s Return to Flight mission in 2005, STS-114.

Orange County Choppers‘ site is all Flash-based, so I can’t give a direct link to the photo album of this bike, but it’s on the third page of “On-Air Theme Bikes”, under the Choppers section on the main page. I’ve taken screencaps to show here.

The bike’s episodes are #58 & #59, which aired October 3 & 10, 2005. Minus the stars’ antics, fights and general… drama… the bike is a thing of beauty, and if these guys have one thing right, it’s an eye for minute detail. The gas tank is shuttle-shaped, the exhaust pipes (shown below, my favorite detail) are tipped with a replica of the Space Shuttle Main Engines, and the airbrush work and detailed painting throughout is just… spectacular. I particularly like the miniature orbiting shuttle “spinners” on the wheels, front and back. The gallery is definitely worth a look!

Omega "PRE-MOON"

Model Name:
Omega "PRE-MOON" 42mm Speedmaster Chronograph - Circa 1964 Original Speedmaster Logo (Manuf. Prior to Moon Landing) - Cal 861 - Reference: 145022

Movement Type:

Water Resistant
Special Edition

Dial Description:
Black dial with Luminescent stainless steel hour/minute, sweeping seconds hands and hour markers. Black indented subdials at 3,6 and 9 o'clock.

Rolex Cosmograph Daytona in Rose Gold Finish

Rolex Cosmograph Daytona Everose

Rolex is a brand of watch that has shown its elegance and sophistication in watch making. They are known in creating luxury watches and as part of their Oyster collection this 2008, they are releasing another variation of their chronograph in a unique and very attractive everose gold.
The case of this Cosmograph Daytona Everose is made with 18 carat rose gold which measures 40 mm. This watch also features its capability to endure shocks and magnetic fields through their Parachrom spiral. This watch has a bezel with tachymeter surrounding the black dial. Its dial includes three sub dials for hour counter, minute counter and seconds counter in rose gold color. These sub dials accents the black dial with its contrasting color which makes it look more attractive. This watch also features an 18k gold oyster bracelet.

Seiko for Men

* Brand Name: Seiko
* Watch brand logo on dial
* Size:  Women's
* Japanese made stainless steel. Fully working
* Movement Automatic
* Water Resistant 30 meters / 100 feet
* Adjustable Bracelet
* Come with Instructional Booklets
* New: With Tags
* Original Box

Omega for Men

* Brand Name: Omega
* Watch brand logo on dial
* Size:  Men's
* Swiss made stainless steel. Fully working
* Movement Automatic
* Water Resistant 30 meters / 100 feet
* Adjustable Bracelet
* Come with Instructional Booklets
* New: With Tags
* Original Box

Rolex for women

* Brand Name: Rolex
* Watch brand logo on dial
* Size:  Women's
* Swiss made stainless steel. Fully working
* Movement Automatic
* Water Resistant 30 meters / 100 feet
* Adjustable Bracelet
* Come with Instructional Booklets
* New: With Tags
* Original Box

Audemars Piguet for Men

* Brand Name: Audemars Piguet
* Watch brand logo on dial
* Size:  Men's
* Swiss made stainless steel. Fully working
* Movement Automatic
* Water Resistant 30 meters / 100 feet
* Adjustable Bracelet
* Come with Instructional Booklets
* New: With Tags
* Original Box

2nd 7 star Hotel in world

2nd 7 star Hotel in world coming soon in the capital of Pakistan, Ialamabad .called Centaurus it will be built
by Atkins UK which also built the 1st 7 star hotel in the world, called
Burj Al Arab in Dubai U.A.E

Crescent Tower

35-storey Crescent Tower will be the first impressive 7-stars hotel in the capital of Azerbaijan. Construction works started in the last quarter of 2007

7 Star Apeiron Island Hotel

The ‘Apeiron’ is a $500million island hotel with a total floor area of 200,000m², is 185m high and has over 350 luxury apartment suites. Access to this exclusive 7 Star resort is restricted to water (yacht) and air (helicopter) only. For the ultimate in arrival and departure style, yachts can moor in the heart of the building’s core. The Apeiron hotel is the definitive James Bond retreat boasting its own private lagoon, beaches, restaurants, art gallery, retail shopping, cinemas, spas and conference facilities. Its dramatic silhouette on the horizon creates a completely unique architectural icon that will be instantly recognised worldwide.

The aptly named ‘Apeiron’ hotel is derived from Anaximander’s 6th century BC cosmological theory. He believed the beginning of time to be an endless, unlimited mass, subject to neither old age nor decay, perpetually yielding fresh materials from which everything we can perceive are derived.

Burj Al Arab Luxury Hotel in Dubai

This hotel is in Dubai, which is in the United Arab Emirates.
It’s US$75 just to get in the gate to look at this place!
The cost of it, is estimated
at over 80 million US$.

The only seven stars hotel in the world 1
The only seven stars hotel in the world 2
The only seven stars hotel in the world 3
The only seven stars hotel in the world 4
The only seven stars hotel in the world 5
The only seven stars hotel in the world 6
The only seven stars hotel in the world 7
The only seven stars hotel in the world 8
The only seven stars hotel in the world 9
The only seven stars hotel in the world 10
The only seven stars hotel in the world 11
The only seven stars hotel in the world 12
The only seven stars hotel in the world 13
The only seven stars hotel in the world 14
The only seven stars hotel in the world 15
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